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All families are invited and encouraged to attend the Board Meetings. 
Meetings are held in the VG Library

Time: 5:30-7:00 PM

Meeting dates are as follows but are subject to change:
September 11
November 6
January 8
February 5
March 12
April 16
         May 7      


Corporate Gift matching is a program where companies match donations made by their employers to non-profit, 501(c)3 organization.   Vista Grande Falcon Fund is a non-profit organization.  Many companies encourage charitable giving and matching may be part of your employee benefits.  If you have made a donation to Falcon Fund, your company may match your donation to Falcon Fund dollar-for-dollar. If everyone who is eligible for matching requested one from his or her employer, Falcon Fund would be able to receive over $15,000 in free money from corporate matching this year.
If you have any questions or would like to know if your company matches, please do not hesitate to contact: 
SRVEF Matching Information:
Falcon Fund is an affiliate of the San Ramon Valley Education Foundation. For more information visit
Falcon Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to enhance the quality of education for Vista Grande students.
The State of California provides no additional funding for many additional opportunities for students. At Vista Grande Falcon Fund raises money to fund classroom paraeducators who spend 9.5 hours in every Kindergarten-5th Grade classroom, providing targeted reading, writing, and math support to students. As well as Reading & Math Intervention Instructors, and additional hours for our Librarian. Our TK-5th Grade students also receive opportunities to thrive in our art, music, and STEM classes each year as well as Library and PE. Our 1st-5th Grade students also attend weekly Science Lab classes. 

Vista Grande Classroom Paraeducators

Drawing on data, research, and best practices, Vista Grande paraeducators partner with teachers to provide students with a multi-tiered system of support:
  • Tier 1 Support – The Whole Class: Paraeducators work with the whole class, in small groups, and one-on-one to support students. They assist the teacher with reading, writing, math, spelling/phonics/grammar instruction as well as running records/assessments in reading, writing, and math.
  • Tier 2 Support – Small Group Intervention: Paraeducators provide targeted support in small groups to address different student strengths and areas of need.
  • Tier 3 Support: Intensive, Individualized Support for Struggling Students: Paraeducators provide very specific support to individual students.
Our paraeducators attend monthly paraeducator/teacher staff meetings and receive ongoing professional development. 

There are three major ways in which Falcon Fund raises money:

  • Family Donations - collected during Fall Registration or anytime through the VG Store
  • $325 single donation per child to support the Traditional Classroom Paraeducators.
  • $175 single donation per child to support music, art, technology, primary science paraeducator.
  • Donations are tax-deductible and Falcon Fund’s Tax ID is # ​94-3043319.  Donations also qualify for Corporate Matching
  • Family donations generate roughly half of Falcon Fund’s annual revenue each year
  • Fundraisers: Turkey Trot, Movie Nights, Family Dinner Nights, Auction, Camp VG

We appreciate your support! Thank you!

2024/2025 Board Members 

President Ariel Frank
Vice President Aquasia Laury
Secretary Monica Rhodes & Lindsey Reardon
Treasurer Romney White & Kelly Wahlstrom
Financial Secretary Sandra Kim
Stephanie Moustirates & Alison Arnott
Matching Funds Chair Megan Moffat
Matching Funds Communications Megan Moffat & Anu Ubhi
Auditor Stephanie Weitzel
PTA Liaison Jamie Gardea
Auction Chair & Co-Auction Chair Reena Chhatre & Suneet Kahlon
Turkey Trot Chair Ashley Carvolth & Stephanie Turner
Camp VG Chair OPEN
Staff Liaison Austin Glimme
Principal Osi Juergens